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Saturday, February 1, 2014

I suppose it's time to update this thing!

Wow it's been over a year and a half since I have been on here! Lots has changed! Well, not too much, but life keeps moving so we're trying to keep up. I'll just throw some highlights/pictures on here since my last post, and hopefully I will keep up with it from now on!

My good friend Naomi took some family photos for us in July 2012. Seems like forever ago! Here are a few of those...

In August we added a kitten to our family, and named her Moo Shu. She was found wandering on the patio at Henry's restaurant in Stillwater, so I went to pick her up. We ended up keeping her after nobody claimed her. She's been a lot of fun!

Lara decided to audition for a competition line at the dance studio, and she made it. We had a very busy spring last year with that, but loved every minute of it. They did about as good as they could possibly do! She dances with some awesome girls from some wonderful families, and is doing it again this year! She is in her 6th year, and Ayla is in her 3rd. Lara also started piano lessons last June and is doing well.

We lost my dad in December 2012, just after Christmas. We all miss him like crazy and think about him every day.
 Henry and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas in January 2013 and had a lot of fun! We swam with the dolphins at Atlantis. I would love to take the kids there someday!

In July, Henry, the girls, and I flew out to Phoenix, rented an SUV, and road tripped home, stopping at the Grand Canyon, spending a couple days in Utah where we rented a UTV and climbed rocks, (kinda scary at times) did the alpine slide in Jackson Hole on our way through, spent a couple days in Yellowstone, saw Mt. Rushmore, and Bear Country USA. It was a lot of fun!

Lara tried out for the competition line again and made that, and is also in lyrical and ballet this year, so that, plus Ayla's dance class have been keeping us busy 2 nights a week.
In October we found out we're expecting a baby, due in June. We just found out it's a healthy little boy! This should be an exciting adventure! I'm hoping he comes a few days early because I'm due just a few days before recital week starts with the girls. Eeek!
We all (Henry, me, the girls, my mom and brother, Henry's mom and sister) traveled out to Los Angeles for Christmas to visit Henry's brother Larry. The weather was awesome and we had a great time! We didn't make it in to Disneyland because they were at capacity, so that was a disappointment, but it was still a great trip!

 I decided to buy a sewing machine just before Christmas, and have been sewing baby bibs and burp cloths. It's a lot of fun. My mom and I opened an Etsy shop, so go check it out here... Sew For Babies

 That's all for now, I will try to stay on top of things from now on!

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