Our Easter was a little different this year. Lara decided she didn't want a "friend" party this year for her birthday, and instead wanted to go to a waterpark with just family. She had the day after Easter off of school so we decided to celebrate then. My parents came down on Sunday and we had a little egg hunt, more Easter baskets, Lara opened gifts, then we all took off to Waterpark of America. We had a great time! Lara even braved one of the bigger tube slides, and loved it. She also tried the surfing/body boarding. She got a little hurt on that one but I was proud that she did it, because there is no way I would have. Not with a bunch of people watching, anyway. We went to dinner at Outback then the kids hit the water again. The following day we headed over to Ikea for a bit, then to Mall of America to get Lara's American Girl doll. My mom and I had to convince her to change her mind a couple times on her choice. They didn't have one that looked exactly like her, but we found one that was close. She just has green eyes instead of blue, but it's not that noticeable. Hopefully they make some more combinations before Ayla gets one, otherwise they might end up with the exact same doll. Yesterday, the 16th, was Lara's actual 7th birthday. We went to dinner and had Dairy Queen cake.

We went the tie dye route this year for eggs.
Ayla with her basket.
Lara and her basket.
Opening some presents.
Now they each have their own toothfairy pillow.
My mom made this for her American Girl doll.
Here's Annie!